

Introduction to NUMEROLOGY


Numerology is the study of numbers and their incredible effect on our lives. Numerology could, however, be better named ‘The Science of Numbers’. Numerology is a science based on numbers and their incredible affect on our lives. Numbers have been in existence since the beginning of time and predates all alphabets.  

PYTHAGORAS was one of the ‘Fathers of Numerology’, and that was 2,400 years ago. He was able to apply his knowledge and understanding in practical areas for the needs of mankind. Pythagoras gained his knowledge of numbers from Egypt and the Near East. Some researchers have found evidence that Numerology was practiced in Egypt as far back as 13,000 years ago.

Numerology is a tool used to investigate our own very being, and to bring light our highest potential on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes. Numerology tells of our potential destiny and our natural talents, and helps us gain a better understanding of ourselves and others. It shows us the pathway we need to take in our lives to fulfill this potential, and also, tells us one of the many reasons why each one has different traits and characteristics.  

Each number has a different vibration and can therefore give us a better understanding of one’s pathway, and the circumstances which surround our life. It can direct one to the career best suited to each person, and gives us the opportunity to be more aware of the talents we have and of the pathways we choose to utilize them. It also tells us of the compatibility we have with another, especially who would be most compatible as a partner for you. It tells you how you may best help your family and friends due to the numbers which control their lives.

Each number is influenced by a different planet in our Solar System. Each letter of the alphabet vibrates to a given number 1 – 9, which is also the span of our life cycles. 

These numbers under which we were born, plus the numbers in our names, are the tools we are given in order that we may accomplish our mission in life, and enable us to work through all our karmic lessons. The vibratory power of each number affects us in both positive and negative ways.

The symbol meanings that surround the nine whole numbers are the centre of Numerological divination. Numbers integrate into many other divinatory methods, such as the TarotNumbers can represent stages in the unfolding of any process, and can be keyed to planets, days, colours, qualities, character types and Tarot images. 
Numbers are also keyed to letters of the alphabet, so words and names can be analyzed.

Numerology brings insight, wisdom and the ability to understand ourselves and others.


Joanne Walmsley    Sacred Scribes


  1. my dad passed away last Wednesday at 5:55 pm, so am I to interpret this as him having an angel right there escorting him straight to heaven? please comment

    1. Rest assured that everyone is escorted across the veil by loved ones. Im sorry for the loss of your dad.

    2. If no one else in your life tells you, know you are loved. I'm not sure what is going on in your life, why you might be concerned about where your Dad might be. I believe in messages from the dead,I've lost a few people in the past 4 years. All of the men I ever relied on for support or guidance or to help pick me up myself after I've tried to self destruct. I've had some moments that I see numbers and they reassure me that my squad is looking out for me now more than ever. Anyhow I have no more answers than you do, I would say if you feel a sense of confusion and angst it's not your true. When I'm questioning the meaning of something being what I think it is, then I'm not in the right track. When I focus on what I know life is going to bring me, I feel sense of tranquility, assurance, and comfort. I spent most of my life asking other people "the answer" they can not give me the answers definitively because they are not me. I'm gonna try to get some sleep now, but I love my father so much, I realized it was time to let him go. It leaves room for someone new to come into my life.

    3. sorry for your loss, friend

    4. Very sorry for your loss on this physical plane, but I am so very excited for your upcoming reunion. Please know that your father is with you now.

    5. I believe that was absolutely the Angels. 555 signifies huge life changes.
      I’m sorry about the loss of your father. Please know that he is safe. Heaven is a place of pure love. He is there.

    6. The 555 angel number meaning is that significant change is imminent. Change is a part of life, and when we see the number 555, something is telling you that a transition is in play in your life and all around you. Every change brings stress; it's part of being human.Nov 2, 202

    7. We don't go to heaven when our bodies die, we go into consciousness which basically is nothingness where we feel bliss, or we go straight into our next mothers womb to live out our karmic lessons. Only once we've lived out r karmic lessons and attain enlightenment can we move to a state of total bliss. We could even come back as an animal, insect, flower , fish or tree. We have to live all lives in all dimensions. On the astral plane which is one of the dimensions the vibration is finer. You realise materialistic things don't really exist as we experience them on this dimension... the material plane. Each of the 7 planes has 7 sub- divisions and each of those has 7 .ore and so on. You can obviously some of your lives in past life regression. Much love and sorry about your dad but I'm sure he's having the time of his life right now. Bless u my dear xxx

  2. The 13th anniversary of my Mum's death is this Friday the 13th. She always thought that was her lucky day. Anything I should know or look out for?

  3. Replies
    1. Faith and strenth in God.Faith is something you can't see but know it is there.

    2. Faith and strength. Faith is something you can't see but know it's there.

  4. I really like your take on the issue. I now have a clear idea on what this matter is all about..
    numerology calculator

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. We would like to buy a house but the house number is 22609.. 8th this a positive number for our lives to buy this home?

    1. It goes down to a no 9 which is the ending of a phase and preparing to enter into a new phase. It might be that you don't stay there that long or it may simply mean your ending the past and preparing to start a fresh in your new home. Much love. Let me know how it went xxx

  7. Ever since I was in grade 1 I have always painted the number 57 and it has stayed with me all these years for some reason. I feel it is important for me and is all spiritual...

    1. It reduces down to no. 3 which is very spiritual and your angels and guides are always with you. Look out for white feathers on the ground as validation that the angels r with you. Much love xxx also 5 is the no. Of change and 7 is the no. Of spirituality and intuition xxx

  8. I see double numbers all the time.11:11.. 15:15.. eta
    The latest is 13:13.
    Also triples. 3:33.1:11 etc... Can u enlighten me as to the meaning please.

    1. For repeating numbers, see:

  9. my name is my birthday number all the way to infinity. We are math.

  10. Hi Joanne
    Just recently became interested in numbers as I have continual repeating, and sequence numbers throughout mine and my partners family and friends. For example my d. O. B and my three childrens all collate as follows...
    My bday 14/12 (1976)
    1st born 12/2 (1999)
    2nd born 2/5 (2000)
    3rd born 5/9 (2002)
    See how the days and months collate.
    Can you give any insight please.
    Thank you.

  11. Hi I was wondering what my birth numbers mean and also no to long ago I had a quid number pop up. What do them mean?

    Birth # 10/10 (1973)
    Quad number: 6666

  12. 1821 popped up on the register when I was checking out. And the girl next to me had the same amount come up at the same time. These numbers have always been repetitive in my life. 8, 16, 23, 3. Also I have been going thru a lot of emotional turmoil. I started a new job after going thru a bad experience with the last one. And I keep having panic attacks. Today I quit my new job and my new boss wants me to reconsider. I don't know what to do.

    1. Revans, this is suuuper interesting. I only just started looking into this stuff so i'm not really sure how to interpret it, but here's some interesting things I noticed:

      Are you familiar with the flow between 1,2,4,8,7,5,1,2,4,8... basically you keep doubling and reducing, 1+1=2+2=4+4=8+8=16=>7+7=14=>5+5=10=>1+1=2...

      you'll notice this pattern skips a 3 of the numbers. 3,6,9

      Now the pattern was 8>7>5>1... here we have 8, 1+6=7, 2+3=5, and then 3. Well 3 is a funny number. It's the root of the all the other 3 numbers, and there are 3 (3,6,9) of them. I don't know all the details, but it's a power number. Triangles are really strong for building, a lot of things like 3.

      Now take 1821, 1+8+2+1=12 1+2=>3
      18+21=39 3+9=12=>3
      1+821=822 8+22=30=>3 8+2+2=12=>3
      182+1=183 18+3=21=13+8 83+1=84=>12=>3
      82+1+1=84=>12=>3... I could keep going. But bottom line I think 1821 is somehow linked to 3 following you. Why these numbers follow you I dunno, but I think there is a link between the 8, 16, and 23. via the flow from 8>7>5>1>2>4>8... maybe you should look into what a 3 instead of the 1 might mean? Or what missing the other half of that sequence (1,2,4) might mean.... I dunno, I only started looking into this a week ago

  13. Few days back i saw the number 7070 in my dream. So what it means?

  14. in raja yoga gyan, the number 3 is the most auspicious which is code for 1 , when we all 3 main points of knowledge merge into none but one , then we stop seeing duality but everything becomes 1 once again and matter is transformed back to its highest vibrational frequency , Point one I am a point of light , the soul, point 2 , I am a child of the supreme point , the supreme soul , point 3 , all scenes in this wonderful play we are all temporary actors in is a point

  15. 84 is also an auspicious number , as in I am an 84 birth soul passing through the 5000 year cycle of time and this is the last and most important of my 84 births

  16. Thank you for putting such comprehensive primer together.
