



The number 11 is the first of the Master Numbers, and as a Master Number is not usually reduced down to a single numeral. 

The Master Number 11 name vibration is of the super-intellect or genius, also regarded as a lucky person. It represents 'transformation'.

The Master Teacher, illumination, enlightenment, inspirational, idealism, intuitive and psychic abilities, channelling, poetry, art/artistic, symbols, expression, dreamer, revolution, drugs, alternate consciousness, mysticism, catalyst, prisoner, prophet, celebrity, highly energized, radical, sensitive, visionary, enthusiastic, creative/creativity.

This name number is one of intuitive, spiritual awareness and refinement. Your intuition is very strong and you are among the potentially best equipped to help guide people towards their own spiritual and intuitive awareness and awakening. You value life and your environment with a deep appreciation of the beauty and refinement that it has to offer. You are someone who can be extremely dependable, honest and compassionate.

You have a great sense of humour, but must protect your vulnerable nervous system to avoid bouts of depression.

Too much of the 11 personality with this name may bring out a tendency to sit and ponder, rather than do. Although, generally not a financial or materialistic personality, you could be inclined to strive towards these areas for which you could believe that personal recognition is, and should be measured in material accumulations.


Number 11 is a high vibration and needs to stay centred and balanced at all times as there is a tendency to sway from high to low, quickly. The high energy of the 11 will require some form of outlet where there can be active participation, whether it be through ones own profession or some charitable inspirational leader as this number represents.

11 is an idealist in that they can see the bigger picture through revelations and intuition. Number 11 draws on the cosmic forces for inspiration and enlightenment, through pronounced intuitive and psychic abilities. They must, however, avoid getting involved in the 'nit-picking' tendencies of the number 2 vibration. The 11 name number person must remember to set an example for others to learn from.

The Master Number 11 symbolizes the principle of enlightenment. 11 colours everything with drama, has a visionary outlook, artistic sensitivity and 'sparkling' qualities. The 11 energy is not truly practical, but its contribution is in its unique perspective and philosophy which instigates new consciousness. These avant-garde and visionary individuals make great
students, psychics, mystics, healers, teachers, writers, musicians and artists.

The 11/2 is required to live in the truth which is revealed through life's lessons and will find the most rewarding opportunities come through living and teaching truth as they see it; the truths gained through life experience.

The 11/2 can be intense and at times electrifying. They can have trouble with nervousness because the 11 is a highly intense vibration, yet at the same time, 11/2's have great courage and are highly creative. When drawing on cosmic knowledge through their intuitive abilities, 11/2's can be inspirational leaders.

If an 11/2 does not respond to the higher vibration, they will work at the lower vibration of 2 and be in a position of supporting others, rather than be a leader themselves. When the 11/2 learns to live with faith, then inner-peace will be found. Above all else the 11/2 is born to lead and to bring spiritual truths to people as the Master Teacher.


  1. I wonder what'd be like to meet another like me. I never met one and I'm 24. sigh..

    1. Hey what's up man ?..chillax dude.The thing is that people like us are not around every corner, so take it easy. It's pretty normal..By the way I'm an 11..;))

    2. Hello, just found out I'm an 11! :D
      My name is Jasmine.

    3. I am an 11 by my name and my birth date and my youngest daughter is a 22

    4. Hello I’m a number 11 in name and birthdate imagine how I feel everyday

  2. I am an 11 and my name is Also Jonathan

  3. im a 11 pick up on people energy hella quick hard to distinguish whats my energy and what theres

    1. I am an 11 by my birth date and by my name and i often feel i am an alien in this world. I dont understand why everybody seems to want to hurt rather than help others

  4. You will learn with time. Try to find stillness and quiet within yourself and from that "place" you will be able to differentiate. You can centre yourself and find relief in that way. I am an 11 too.

  5. Im an 11.. and I see "11's" everywhere. Im constantl looking at the clock the second it turns 11:11.. its weird. Im also a msucian of sorts and like to create things.. and Im also very attracted to spiritual and philosophical matters. Its really something how spot on numerology is. Check out the apollo 11 launch dates and the time that they first set foot on the moon sometime.. its a trip.. july 20 is cancer and the moon is the ruler.. these cats were into numerology and astrology BIG time.

    1. The doors open and I'm bashfull but, who bright Chrystal idea was it to fucking begin initiating people this way, I mean, I'm down to learn and grow and fuck, everything just what in the hell was the intent of astrology in the first place, don't get me started on pluto

  6. Im an 11 name and a life path 7... I definitely know how it feels to not know others like me :) but for real, own it! You are unique and have something to offer the world. How boring would it be if we were all the same?

  7. Im an 11 name and a life path 7... I definitely know how it feels to not know others like me :) but for real, own it! You are unique and have something to offer the world. How boring would it be if we were all the same?

  8. Nice to meet someone else with the same life path and name. Throw in another 11 in my destiny number and 4 in soul.

  9. My master number is 11 and my life path is also 11

  10. What does it means if my master number is 11 and my birth/life path is 11 which is 2?

    1. Hi Maxine, 11 is a master number, so wherever it shows up in your chart, the qualities apply to you. Is it your life path number or your birthday number or both that are 11? 11 as a master number is a high frequency, but it is also 1+1=2 on a low frequency. We can swing easily from high to low vibes/frequency easily and the key is to stay on the high side (11). Your life path number describes the nature of your journey through life. Your birthday number is a supporting influence to your Life Path Number. These are the traits that you brought into this life to help you with the traits shown by the Life Path.

  11. Aha! My name numerology matches me better than my birthday/life path number. In name numerology I'm 11. In birthday/life path I'm 8. Obviously the name has more influence over my life.

    1. Same as u bro. Name number 11. Bday 8 life path 8. What info do u have on 8. What are your experiences?

    2. What are your experiences with 8. I to am life path 8.

  12. I am an 11 I'm a nervous wreck and love helping people and putting a smile on their face 😊❤

  13. I had no idea there was so much information to gain from figuring out your number. I am such an 11. Finding out someone's number should be one of the interview questions at a job. I never thought I could be a psychic.

  14. 5/11/11 path 7. As a kid I felt limitless. Wasn't long before my oversized ego posed a threat to others and myself image was undermined. At some point I became a lite prick myself just to fit in. It was instant shame and guilt carried it with me for years. Just recently I started noticing my tendency to induce emotional pain because it allowed me access to the depths of my subconscious. On the one hand I was feeling a major creative block, and also the possibility that I could do something really big with whatever it is I find down there. So i took a shit ton of mushrooms, did some fasting, lots of meditation and intense focus actually on trying win the lottery lol. Then all my subconscious started coming up all over the place. Poring out me I suddenly the fear of God. Even before I made mention of to anyone reality was shifting into that lower level vibration all around me. Eerie stillness, and this unsettling feeling that were all sharing the same denial of responsibility. So then I just went on Facebook and did my best to murder my ego... pretty effectively I might add. Been a few months now and tons of new developments are happening every day. It's an interesting place here.. I try to know and not to think. Peace out peeps. I'll let you know if I hit that lotto!

  15. Just would like to know do any 11's here get spouts of depression? Feeling like the path they are on is false. How to find the right path?

  16. Following your intuition maybe tricky due to some people know what you are by the things you say and reactions to situations that you may not want to be involved in but trust yourself always sometimes you'll go places you will be in a terrible situation but keep going your there for specific reasons

  17. I'm an 11. Birthday is on the 22nd. My life path # is 1 as well as my soul urge #.
