



The Number 13 is a karmic number and is the number of upheaval so that new ground can be broken. The number 13 has great power. If this power is used for selfish purposes, it will bring destruction of the self, and in turn, this will bring dis-ease and illnesses. Adapting to change gracefully will bring out the strength of the 13 vibration, and decrease any potential for the negative.

13's are traditionalists, hard workers and organisers.

As the 13 vibration is associated with genius, people under the influence of 13 need to strive to transmute all their vices into virtues. Number 13 people go through many trials, tests and temptations in their search for the spiritual consciousness.  The conscious must always be their guide as number 13 is the number of 'right judgement' and their spiritual growth is more often gained through pain rather than pleasure.

13 people are very vulnerable and can be touchy and quick to be offended, but they usually relax whey they are sure of your friendship, love and support. An angry 13 person is a force to be reckoned with as they are guts and defend themselves well -  but they must remember that their words can do irreparable damage.

The 13 energy has chosen a particular set of problems this incarnation and it will take the better part of their lives before they understand and come to terms with their difficulties. This number needs a soul mate and generally has difficulties up until the age of 30 or so. Once secure, they find success.

They are very loyal souls and make good friends and 13's are usually very talented in many areas and may enjoy positions of authority, although many 13 people lack confidence in themselves.

 It is vital that the 13 person steers clear of negative situations and people in their lives.Those born on the 13th worry far too much and often have early struggles.

Those born on the 13th love to work with their hands. As children they may love building blocks, LEGO, any mechanical gadgets and things they can construct, keep them busy for hours. As adults, this energy enjoys fixing, mending and constructing/creating things.

* For Day and Destiny Number, see number 4 (1+3=4). Also see the attributes of number 1 and number 3.

Ideal gifts for the 13 energy include all items that this practical number has already circled in the D.I.Y., sports or electronics catalogue. If in doubt, get them a gift voucher,or cash in a humourous or meaningful card.

For men, a new wallet or watch goes down well, while women prefer bags and shoes – but they must match of course.


Repeating Number Sequences or Angel Numbers 
Angel Number 13



Joanne Walmsley
Sacred Scribes


  1. getting married 12/13/12 is there any luck or good fortune in it?

    1. That would be up your husband ;)
      Hope you two are happy!

    2. Tonya's original message was posted at 1:11 while "Unknown"'s reply was posted 3 year later at 11:12 coincidence? So Tonya, was 121312 lucky for you?:-)

    3. and check u out with the 3 6's. I love your comment it felt good ust a second lol some recognition of personal things iv noticed myself. the 3 ones and in time its always whatevertime:13 when I look. in situations a lot iv noticed its significant at the time were either early( got one minute ahead, left?) at whatevertime:12 or were late ( one minute behind or too late or moved on from, next?) at like 4:14

    4. YAY lol what does coincidence mean?? cuz theres a lot of those for sure. but they can like the time be early or late, in a way as if you look at them like floating stones you step on. they can appear smoothly and goodly to your benefit and timing or they can all be badly fitted with your timing like setups to make u look bad. or like punishments.... me anyways.. idk peace!! please approve my comments omg I know someones response would be appreciated :)

  2. If your birthday is on 04/13/13 is it a karmic day?

  3. I was born on September 13 and sometimes, like today, it falls on a Friday. But I am not superstitious about it. Numbers are not good or evil in themselves. It's how they are used.

    1. Happy Birthday for yesterday Mate!

    2. Oh my god I was born on September 13th and It was black friday too

  4. Recently I've noticed everytime I look at my clock on my phone I seem to see the hr & then the minute always being 13 just wondering what this could mean.

    1. same here, till now i was thinking that it happens only with me...............

    2. that's why i am here to know about the number 13 while searching on net.

    3. me to. I see on clocks "everywhere!". I was getting a new van for work (64 license plate), but (cutting a long story short) I ended up with a 13 plate. I've been seeing the number 13 for just under a year now. And like Suryaa, thats why I was reading this post... So... Anyone got any ideas

    4. I am wondering the exact same thing!

    5. I am also facing same most of the time I look for time most of the time I get 13 number....

    6. The meaning and message of the repeating numbers you speak of can be found in the INDEX on my ANGEL NUMBERS site at:

      Sacred Scribes

    7. I gave up smoking almost a month back, very shortly after I finished a toxic relatiobship..ever since everywhere I look is nunber 13..tge time, date, pages etc etc etc ive been feeling its very lucky.So wonderous to read here that is the number of changing your vices to vertues! Excited to read more :-) best wishes fellow thirteenians

    8. Since I gave up smoking a month or so a go...and a few days later ended a toxic relationship, I am seeing this number EVERYWHERE. I have been feeling incredibly strong & powerful & also like I am being compelled or guided by an energy & very much in sync. It is wonderous yo read here that 13 is the number associated with turning your vices into vertues & of great change. Fabulous! Can't wait to read more. Also great to hear it is not just wishes fellow thirteenians :)

    9. I'm born 13.08.1989 and I'm alive prove that is not good at all the stupid 13 y name come from martinus in my place ONE name in all vilage 2000 people first stupid name and nad carma really exist I see thing I hear thing and most of them later they are really true 7 cAR CRASH i don't dive never 2 time poisoning and still alive that is not luck sorry for been an realist people in my life die around me but not me I 'm suffering alone all my life trying to change the world ignoring the numbers nothing is change yet and there is no God just punnishment all the time I dont choose to be born I was sended

    10. You see the number 13, because it is widely used everywhere and because you brain only recognizes that number. You can find many other numbers too if you actually paid attention to it. Now stop this religious spiritually shit thanks. There is an scientific explanation to everything. It is just a matter of time. ;-)

  5. I was born on 4-27-1983. I am a 7 for my life number and I know how to calculate it. Does it count if my 13 comes from adding 4+2+7?

  6. my 13th b-day is 1 week after a friday the 13th should i be scared

  7. i am born on 13 march friday 1992 ...... and i am 22 years old now i love number 13

  8. I was born march 13th and my mom sept 13th I turned 13 on Friday he 13th and my life seems incredibly horrible and like everything goes wrong. Also, I always look at digital clocks on the 13th min and at 3 13 nevermind I turn 30 on march 13 this year coming

    1. Oh my gosh! I have that bday too and when i look at my phone i see 3:13 all the time! but i turn 16

  9. We are need to read this site attentively for better inspiration of life forwarding. Thanks. astrology meaning Maricarda is a professional astrologer who does horoscope chart wheel astrology readings based on birth time, personal astrological consultations.

  10. 13 september 1983
    13 is lucky number, i am lucky to have it.

  11. i see 13 so often lately its not funny, on my receipt of purcharses either the full dollar $13 or the cent 13 , locker at gym 13, the time I pause movies to go for a drink of water either match come to 13 min or 13 sec.

  12. Indicating major changes in your life, 13 is lucky number as per the Indian scriptures, when this major changes comes it will bring power so use this power for doing good for others, be helpful and don't be selfish.

  13. i was born on 13th Jan. my house number is 13 and so is my car number. i started my new job on 13th. my pay rise was 13% in the new job. basically this is my lucky number. In hindi language in India number 13 is pronounced as 'tera'meaning everything belongs to you God.

  14. I was born on Friday the 13th, my 30th birthday will be on Friday the 13th, and my youngest son was born at 13:44 on 4/4/13. The trials that have befallen him since his almost death at birth, to date, have been nothing short of terrifying. He was meant to be here, and so was I. My mother had her tubes tied and was on birth control for hormonal issues, and yet, here I am. As an empathic/medium/clairvoyant, I am reading Warrior Goddess in Training, and it lead me to this page as I thought of the number 13. This is spot on, and according to this, my soul mate will soon arrive. Numbers are powerful, if you pay attention

    1. My son was born at that same time... there is not a day goes by that I don't think of him. I remember the first day that I left and I didn't have a bed for my son and I lost it. No woman has ever made me cry except for you.

  15. I have always been attracted to the number 13. Now I read this and could not stop but laugh out loud, this is so me:

    "Ideal gifts for the 13 energy include all items that this practical number has already circled in the D.I.Y., sports or electronics catalogue. If in doubt, get them a gift voucher,or cash in a humourous or meaningful card."

  16. My doctors we're obsessed with 13 and now so am I. born 9/13/1977 @ 13:13:13 (they had it down to second.. I was born two months premature with a collapsed right lung and delivered via cesarian as was my older brother born 9/14/1967 and young brother born 8/26/84 (all virgos) Have bouts of good and bad luck.. mostly down instead of up.. Way I see it 13 means struggle

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  18. I am 68 years old. I was born on the 13th. I was 13 on Friday the 13th. I was 2 x 13 when I had my first born, who was the 13th baby born at this hospital on that day, Friday the 13th. I was 3 x 13 when I had my second born. Obviously my boys are 13 years apart. My second was not born on the 13th, but was born at 9:13 and weighed 9 pounds 13 ounces. In 2013, I was 65, or 5 x 13, my oldest was 3 x 13, and my youngest was 2 x 13. My address numbers add up to 13, as does my phone. I have mailbox 13. Many many more in my life.

  19. I am 68 years old. I was 13 on Friday the 13th. I had my first born when I was 2 x 13. He was the 13th baby born in that hospital on Friday the 13th. I had my second child when I was 3 x 13. He was not born on the 13th, but was born at 9:13 and weighed 9lbs 13oz. My children are obviously 13 years apart. In 2013 I was 5 x 13, my oldest was 3 x 13 and my youngest was 2 x 13. My address adds up to 13, as does my phone number. My mailbox is number 13. There are many many more in my life. I just take for granted now that the number 13 will be in any major part of my life.

    1. Wow Penny, that is amazing. I try to add numbers together to equal 13

  20. Today the power of God is moving,
    Speaking within me spiritually.
    The opportunity have come to do a T.V
    Program the cost of it
    has been my prayer.
    Today the number 13 i wrote???
    With lines///////////// such as theses. But God present his Spirit
    I feel so much right now with me.
    It is hard for me to explain.
    But nothing is happening???
    What i don't know.
    But 13 is apart of the answer.

  21. Hi, i came to your website to find some answers and hoping to get it.

    I'm not really into numbers but for some reasons i'm being haunted and followed by the number 13. It all started when i dated my ex-boyfriend 2 years ago.. There are alot of incidents that have happened to me that had something to do with the number 13. These are few:

    My ex-boyfriend was born on October 13
    My brother was also born on October 13
    Friend 1 was born on May 13
    Friend 2 was also born on May 13
    A person i recently met was also born on May 13
    My recent ex-boyfriend was born on June 13
    Friend 3 was also born on June 13
    Most of the likes i get on my social medias are always 13
    At the current time, i have 113 unread mails

    There are many more incidents with this number but they are too many to list them. This could be a coincidence, maybe i'm just paranoid or I'm exaggerating. At first i tried to ignore this but this is happening more and more frequently to me. It's starting to make me feel anxious and i feel like i need to know what does this mean? Is this some kind of a sign? What could it be? Why am i being followed and haunted by the number 13? Please help!

  22. I was born 3/13/1988 I've been through a lot of hard times on life but have finally starting to see the bigger picture and get a hold happen in my life for very much of my life I've felt a lone the black sheep.of my family often it feels like the world as well ..I love nature but can't say that I really enjoy animals although I love my dogs I've had ones passed and now I'm raising her daughter there the bed f2f friends I've ever had I love and care for as well watch over my family I'm strongly connected to them although it feels there are not to me ..I've got the curse as I call it of just knowing things .... I know what others are thinking most of the time and I know when they're lying or not I know when something is going to happen to some one but I never know anything for myself I love to help and serve both equally it's my other passion aside from cooking I often of people I've never met only later meet them in life I think of someone I've not seen in a long a black here there presenting them selves again into my life often in just minutes even I don't what all this and it frustrated and even scares me my aria is violet and I seem to not be able to find my soul mate even though ::) can feel out here some were I love kids they seem to adore me to but often am afraid I'll fetched chance to feel and know what it's like to have rd a family of my own I closely feel a connect to the numbers 11 and 22 all the time yet I was born on the thirteenth what does it all mean is there anybody who's what I'm and can please,and thank u

    1. I don't know much about numerology, but I know your going to be ok budy.

      Much love

  23. My dad passed away on 13 January 2002 and the love of his life, my mom on 13 January there significance to this?

  24. oh shit i just peeped its the 13th

  25. sir, the 13 number is always watch by me, i m very irritations. in life
    i am confused what is that...
    plz help me..

  26. i am born march 1st in my country the day comes before the month so i am 1st of the 3rd.
    i am the 1st of 3 children
    i am the first grandchild of 3 brothers and sisters
    my name written like it is on a bank statement eg first name midle name anitials last name = 13 letters
    my birthdate when added = 31
    and i was born at 6.34 am add them up...there is more in 2013 i made a $300 investment today it is worth 300k+
    yeah..not joking

  27. Can someone help me figure out what 13 13 13 means ? I'd be very thankful ��

  28. okay so, i was born on november13. my name's millie, which the letter 'm' is the 13th letter of the alphabet, also, i was born on exactly 8:13 AM. every time i learn something new about myself, it somehow has to do with the number "13"? and no, it's not only what i listed above, these are only a couple examples. i'm really interested to know what does any of this means? i don't think it's just a "coincidence"

  29. I don't know If you will respond but I'll write just incase
    I was born on 13/09/1996 and honestly I've always felt something different when I look at my date of birth. I've felt It has some meaning in numerology. I'm also attached to the numbers 8 5 2 I've seen them a lot when I was a child and we ended up living in a building that's number is 8 on floor 5 and apartment number 2. that is sooo weird

  30. At least twice a day, for the past 10 years, no matter what time I look at the clock it's always 13 minutes past the hour... Can anyone tell me what that means?
