



The Master Builder, dreams made manifest, ancient wisdom, realization, force of nature, the future, evolution, technology, Universal Love, God, retribution, redemption, love, war, leader, the Universe, personal power, charisma, service, the Divine imagination, idealist, expansive, visionary, government, Universal transformation, philanthropy, common sense, practicality.

Positive Attributes:
Idealistic, pragmatic, creative, ingenius, intuitive, idealistic

Negative Attributes:
Nervousness, anxiety, stubborn, immovable, inflexible, obnoxious, willful.


Number 22 is the number of the Spiritual Master Builder on the Material plane. 22 synthesizes and expands the powers of 11. There is four times the power and energy in this vibration so there is four times the strength to use on the material plane. This is the 'God' energy brought to the material plane and put into form, and this vibration holds with it a great deal of responsibility. Because of its great power, the number 22 may result in outstanding ascendancy or disastrous downfall.

The Master Number 22 symbolizes the principle of precision and balance. When it senses its full capacity as a 'Master Builder', it can achieve what is hardly imaginable. The 22 can turn the most ambitious of dreams into reality and is potentially the most successful of all numbers.

Master Number 22 carries many of the inspirational insights of the number 11, combined with the practicality and methodical nature of the 4 energy. It is unlimited, yet disciplined. It sees the archetype and brings it down to earth in some material form. It has big ideas, great plans, idealism, leadership and enormous self-confidence.

Number 22 is one of the power and accomplishment. It's colours are cream and coral and its symbol is the Cross. Its' keywords are Light, co-operation and harmony, and wherever the vibration is found there is the opportunity to co-operate with God’s plan on earth.

Number 22 offers the opportunity to manifest in a Master way  --
Four times the energy, four times the power, four times the responsibility. A plan that is well worked out in advance is necessary for this energy. Dependable, responsible, honest and structure are all adjectives and attributes describing this Master energy. There is a need to build a firm foundation for whatever is required in the person’s life.

The square or cube is the symbol of 22. It is the number that sees the larger picture and one who can work with the details necessary to complete that picture. The vision of the completed project and the energy to see it through is not everyone’s vision, but it is the responsibility of the 22 to bring it through to fruition.

Master Number 22s succeed best if they learn to control the thoughts that rule their subconscious mind. As they are the ultimate manifesters of dreams into reality, a 22 reaps the greatest rewards by choosing his or her thoughts carefully. Positive thoughts bring a 22 positive things. Negative thoughts often manifest as roadblocks to success or prosperity.

The biggest fear of number 22 is that they will let others down.

Number 22 is the Spiritual Master Builder and Teacher and has chosen to come back to the earth plane to help the human race. To do this, they need to take this energy and help to build a better, firmer foundation for the human race in the Aquarian Age. Master Number 22 will help to establish the foundation for a new consciousness on the planet.

Very family-oriented, the number 22 Day person will often stay in situations rather than move on. They dislike confrontation, but with the right support, can become one of life's great success stories and accumulate a lot of wealth.

People born on the 22nd love to work with their hands, and as children they love building blocks, LEGO, and any mechanical gadget that can keep them occupied for hours. As adults they enjoy creative endeavours of all kinds.

Those born on the 22nd can be very emotional, so need to work on their self-esteem. Many engineers, inventors and millionaires are born on this day.

Destiny or Life Path 22s are the master builder. Whatever a 22 thinks about is almost sure to manifest so it is very important for them to choose their thoughts carefully. If they are willing to work for what they desire they can achieve enormous prestige, success and fame.

22s are the most capable of the Life Path numbers and are endowed with many powers. They have a unique talent for manifesting ideas into the realm of reality. Sometimes
they display what looks like insensitivity, but actually they are just very focused upon their goals. This is part of a spiritual directive to be detached from objects and the outcome of events. Many of them work for material gain, with the idea that their wealth should be spread among the masses.

22s have the highest soul calling of all of the numbers, as it is the call to transform the world permanently and for the better. Usually 22s are born with all of the tools that they need to accomplish this, including a stable personality, intelligence, courage and charisma. Perhaps the most healing thing for the soul is simply to read out loud the words of ancient texts as these writings resonate very strongly with the noblest aspirations of the higher self.

22 express themselves best through building a better world.

The number 22 is called the Master Builder because they are capable of manifesting great changes on the earthly plane. They usually do this through the construction of some kind of empire, whether it is of a social, financial or religious nature.

22s are masters of manifestation who know how the power of a negative thought or image can destroy potential.

22s fulfil their highest potential by bringing ideals into everyday reality.

Positive Characteristics:
The leader, mastery, power and great accomplishment are keywords associated with the 22 Name.

Negative Characteristics:
Too much of the 22 personality may bring the tendency to be eccentric and unorthodox in their choices. They may be inclined to take on many financial risks with great losses attached, and if they become too focused on material gain or wealth to the point of obsession, this can make them overbearing and often a very dominating person to be around.
Those with the 22 as their Name Number are very proficient and strong leaders and have the potential to do very well and be successful in whatever areas of work or career they choose to undertake, especially if they are inclined towards the world of business. They have the capacity to make decisions and accept great responsibility in seeing large projects through from start to finish.

Those born on the 22nd day of the month are both intuitive and scientific, making them excellent doctors, nurses, carers, counsellors, researchers, designers and architects.

The number 22 person would love to receive as a gift, anything they've already circled in the DIY, electronic or sports catalogue  -  22's know what they want. If unsure, get them a gift voucher or give cash in a funny card.

For men, a new wallet or watch will impress.  For women, handbags and shoes.

Also see the energies and attributes of number 2 and number 4 (2+2=4)

Repeating Number Sequences or Angel Numbers 
Angel Number 22




Joanne Walmsley
Sacred Scribes



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ive just seen this dumbfounded with what ive read. I was born at 22:22 n my parents married 2 yrs previous on 22nd. For many years I thought this number was a bad omen.....but now ive realised it must be lucky or mean something....toooo coincidental.

    2. Thank you for taking the time to listen and respond, that we all can benefit. Be blessed!


  2. To Whom it may concern,

    This isn't the first time I've looked up the number 22; it has no longer become a coincidence in my strange life. After reading this site I am sure there are no accidents. Many things are aspiring in my life as it is, but this is only the beginning, please help me further my studies by providing more resources.How did you acquire so much knowledge towards this double digit? Whoever you are, you are very wise yourself! The door is now wide open, leaving nothing but opportunity. Knowledge is power.

    Ashley Henderson

    1. Hi Ashley,

      thanks for your comments ...

      You can find out more about the meaning and message of repeating number 22 at:


      Blessings along your path,

      Joanne Walmsley
      Sacred Scribes

    2. What we think about, we write about, , we
      Bring about
      Ha ha ha!
      We celebrate with humble gratitude.
      Oh yeah.
      What the mind can conceive it will achieve.
      Love, Light and Jesus Faith,
      That is what I think

    3. Zodakite, I liked your little saying :-)

  3. For the past few months, I've been seeing the number 22 everywhere. At first it didn't mean anything. Until after a while, I started to realize that I keep on seeing this number. Everytime I look at the clock I catch :22. Everytime I look at a license plate i see 22. Everytime I print out a receipt at work I printed it out at :22. Almost every receipt i receive has the number 22 on it. I even save them. One time I was order number 22 at Mcdonalds. I just checked the order status of something I recently purchased and I purchased it at 12:22. I started to believe it had to be a sign from God but I didn't know what it meant. Like why do I keep seeing this number? Then when I came to think of it, my address is 54-22. The bus I used to take to high school was the Q22. I never realized that until now. My family was just watching basketball and when I looked up I saw the uniform number 22. I looked up Number 22 Miami Heat and I came across this page on the way. And there isn't a day that goes by where I don't see it. It's a daily thing. This is a very helpful piece of information. Thank you!

    1. you are not alone...keep seeking and you shall find

    2. Did you notice you posted at 2:21? Ashley? This is to Ashley Baez; What are we supposed to do now? Can you and I toss around a few ideas?

    3. Wow!! My name is Ashleigh Meade and 22 has been in my life repeated throughout my life! My friend and I just looked up the meaning of 22 or what it means! I'm just like the other two Ashley's that are on this page and in shock to be quite honest!! I mean it can't just be a coincidence! When I was in tenth grade my boyfriend at the time was number 22 and he sd it would always be my number so when we split I burned all his things and 22 has been in my life ever sense! I was 22nd in my class, my assigned number in a class in college was 22, one time at work It was 5:22 so I told my co worker I had to wait till 5:23 to clock in and he asked why! I told him its just a bad number n if I clocked in at 5:22 he would understand! So I clocked in at 5:22 my first table was table 2, tip was 2.22 now I see others have same experiences with the same name as me is blowing my mind but doesn't surprise me!! Wowsers

    4. Ashley posted that on Sept. 22...also...I don't believe that 22 is a bad is actually a great number. I conceived both of my children on the 22nd and gave birth to them both on the has been a great number for me ever since and yes it is every where...I wonder if anyone knows how many times the number 22 is in Movies/Shows/ is a great number.

  4. See:

    for the meaning and message of repeating number 22 (or Angel Number 22)



    1. i also see this number almost every day, and i was born on 22.10.1991, i am curious, if you know any interesting book where i could find out more about this number and also find out more on how to become more spiritual in every days life. thank you

    2. Check out a book called the celestine prophecy...

    3. P.s. just noticed the date ( its just turned midnight in the uk) AND its your 22nd birthday!! Deep!!!! Really recommend that book hun, its fiction but its a good introduction to coincidences. All the best! :)

  5. Im a 22/4 ( 6/25/1971) who has been involved with a 8 (2/9/1977). Ive heard that these two numbers are very compatiable. This is our second time around and currently seperated ( yet we keep in contact everyday). We have a strong vibe/invisible bond. IDK if this 8 is for me. Is there a wrong combo of a 22/4 and 8

    1. Yes. 4 and 8 do attract but they do not necessarily have happy relationships. The 4 is more likely than not the doer and the 8 the boss. This combo works better in business rather than in romantic relationships. But again, you’d have to do all the work and the other person is the manager. 8s tend to have strong personalities. 8s probably are more compatible with 2s, who are most likely be completely dominated by the 8. In numerology there are several sets of numbers and within different systems certain numbers are given more prominent importance. For example, in Chaldean Numerology you would be considered a 25/7 (great for tech and engineering careers). By 22/4 you are referring to your life path number. What are his/her birthday numbers?

  6. hi, I was born in 22, I repepetido several times the number 22 in almost all the things I do and I have accomplished.

    My batch number is 220, the bus that ends up in my street is 222 .. I look back on me in almost everything that is written, not to say everything.

    Coincidence or not, I believe what is written, here is my post of thanks to whoever posted the article and who wrote it ..

  7. This is very interesting... I thought I was the only one!!! I have been obsessed with the number 22 for about 5 years. I can see it 3... 4 times a day, or 3... 4 times within a minute. I see it everywhere I look. It started in dreams and flashes in my mind, "2 things the same, two slashes, 2 pillars, almost like roman numerals 'I.I'... it sounds mad, I know... but then the 22's. It's all linked I know... somehow I think it's left up to me to figure it out? a message? will I know it when/if it makes sense? is it telling me to follow a certain path in life?

    Frankly, it used to send me mad... now, I just got to laugh...

    1. I gotta take a leaf out ur book Simon....n just laugh.....but sometimes its hard coz it does drive u mad lol!!!

  8. Recurring numbers and numer patterns, particularly 11 and 22 are part of the wake up call to humanity. They contain codes that are "downloaded" by us through energetic transference and have been happening over the last decade as we move into a new time, a new earth. The earth and humanity is undergoing a change from electromagnetic to crystalline in nature - comparable to the change from analog to digital. As we change we ascend dimensionally! Its very exciting.

    When I see the numbers now it's like a thumbs up from the universe, a reminder that everything is right on track, all is well in the world. Just BE, hold love for ALL in your heart, embrace change, step out of drama and follow your JOY.

    Blessings of diamond light to all x

  9. i have this thing that happens to me very often ...
    almost every day in the evening i look upon my digital clock and see that its 22.22
    it happens too often to be a coincidence.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


  10. It is potentially the most successful of all numbers. James

  11. The number 22 is also my power number and very sacred to me. Whenever i see the number 22 i believe it is my loving spirit guides telling me that everything is as it should be. I have felt this for almost 10 years now. I was born on 22.10.82 and crossed paths and connected with true love on the 22nd day when we were both aged 22.
    I have for years often see :22 on the clock by intuitively looking and this morning when i saw it i actually cried with joyous emotion because for the past 2 weeks i have seen :22 so many times a day - even more than usual! And this lead me to ask myself "what have you been trying to tell me angel and spirit guides?" and i was lead to this web page.
    Seeing 22 a lot lately makes soul sense to me because I am currently going through a big personal transition and I am being told to stay strong and that I am exactly where I’m meant to be!
    Great Peace and Love to all. Emma xxx

  12. I've probably been seeing my multitudes of 22s for at least a decade now. My mother was born in 1922, Oct like myself but on the 25th. I was born on Oct 22nd. My wedding anniversary is Dec 22nd. My two sons were born on the 22nd, and all 4 of my babies were 22" long at birth.
    I see twenty twos many, many times every single day, and not just on clocks. I have had a sudden and dramatic increase in this in just the last month, also coinciding with my belief that we are in the end times on earth. Am I crazy or are we all going to "ascend" very soon?

    1. My 22s are very rapidly appearing in the strangest places all day every day and I make sure I don't search for them they make me notice by very intelligent ways..

  13. Wow i thought i'm the only one hhaha this year the 22nd september i'll be 22, my number of the laboratory of physics is 22, my closet in the chemistry laboratory is 222, the office of my assistent is 22, the door of my uni has a number 22, and i have the same thing with the clock and lots of other things... Just weird

  14. Angel Numbers - meaning and messages of repeating number 2, 22, 222, and 2222



  15. I thought the number 22 was extremely prevalent in my life until I read your comments. More than ever, I see this number when I've just landed a job and when that job seems too dreary or consuming to pursue. Telling me to take the pains because eventually I will reap fruits?

    I was born in bed 2 room 2, grew up in house #22. I didn't realize how frequent this number was in my life until maybe eight years ago. Commuting on bus route 22, getting locker 22 at multiple jobs, seeing 22:22 when someone calls me (a lot lately). The road to my new job, where I'm a trainee, is #22.

    The other day, as I was about to leave work, thinking about quitting, the digits on card reader lock said 22:22 and then I knew I am meant to bear this cross for a while.

  16. 22 is also very powerful, special and meaningful to me. It crops up in the most amazing and funny ways! I feel it is an expression of everything inspiring and good. Sometimes if I say to myself that I haven't seen it for a while, it crops up as if to reassure me! I like the way the number itself is reminiscent of eternity. It is the most integrated and perfect number. 2 is one digit but represents 1 and 1 ( two separate digits). It is integrated like humans hope to be integrated. This is taken to another powerful level again by 22! Seeing 2222 is especially auspicious. I too feel i'm on track when i see it. I thank god it is helping us along the way. I found the information and comments here on this site fascinating!

  17. Yeps, so it is not only me with 22:) very nice to know. I started thinking that my guardian angel wants to show me something or lead me somewhere and do it by showing me the signs of repeating 22. This number was my beloved since my childhood I'm born 1962.12.22 so it is clear why 2 and repetition of 2 is very familiar to me. But I was always thinking why I had to go through so many emotional downfalls, betrayals, from my closest family, if I had my guardian angel looking after me, or it is exactly why I'm here on this Earth to learn to overcome downfalls and learn how to sense the people. But, YES, when I again and again see my numbers, I just smile and think, probably I'm on the RIGHT PATH. Reading this blog, I want to know more, and YES, should be very careful with my thoughts as I already experienced that they materialise. Sometimes I have bad thoughts and I wouldn't want them to materialise in no way. Please, where I could read, get more to know how to control own thoughts. I hope the guardian angel will help me to keep on going the path to light.

  18. Wow thanks guys, its really comforting know my ambitions are not mine alone, dreaming is the desirefor physical realisation and this needs to be brought down from fantasy land otherwise we can never grow, seek the sun every mornjng :)

  19. My name is Bolade, b which begins with the the second letter of the alphabet

    I was born on the 22/02/1992

    I'm 21 now, next year is my year

    All I can say is.... i know now,

    Thank you Joanne


  21. I am One more addition to the 22's Club..

  22. Born on a 22nd and date of birth total is 11 (reduced from 47). Best to everybody for 2014. May people stay warm, fed, and happy and the world be at peace.

  23. Thank God for the creator of this site and all of your post..
    for 14 years i have seen the date of 6:22 not to mention it is my birthday. I thought it was cute in the beginning and thought wow I always catch the time on the clock on my birhtday. then I begin to feel like God was telling me something so I thought I was going to be married on that day since at the time I was praying for a husband. that never happend. Then I started to get a feeling that this date really meant something so I then felt maybe I was going to die on that day. then a friend told me God will never tell you the day you will die. so for many years it started happening daily I would catch it in the am on the clock and the pm.. I Often ask guide who am I. and I keep seeing this number it could be a text at 6:22 it could be a email or many things but Im always propmted to look at something and catch it at 6:22. today I was led to look up 6:22 and it led me to this site and all I can say Is thank you to God. I thought I was alone, telling friends and family over the years Im sure that thought i was a little strange and to deep... I am determined to find out what this mean and this was a great start. I am seeing it now more than ever and I feel that God is trying to show me or say something. everything in this article describes me and who I am. We all have purpose and Im glad to see so many others searching for the answers. we are not strange but called and we will soon find out what it means keep searching. God Bless you all and be encouraged...

  24. No way...also born 22nd of September and I see 22 EVERYWHERE I go. Glad that I am not the only one. Do we know why we are so blessed?

    1. my daughter is 22.9.03 she has 3 22's in her numerology her destiny and soul urge and her birthday.

  25. I was born on 4/22/76. Many members of my family are 22's, my dearest friend born 4/22. Its all around me as well, through my whole life... well beyond coincidence. I dream of things before they happen and when awake have a strange awareness. There is meaning in this, i wish I understood more. I'm glad I found this page and all of your comments

  26. I know many 22s. If you classify them according to their appearances (depending on their race) some of them have large eyes! large large eyes! (beautiful and like they see through you) They are winners. It's like they are born to win! LoL nahh that's overrated. But they are competitive...that may just be their other numbers or horoscopes clashing. People who are born on the 22nd are popular as well. It depends tho...I do not advise anyone to act unnatural because you are gullible by this.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Да, много вярно.Това бе животът на баща ми 22.09.1951- 22.11.2014.

  29. my bday is 2.22 my current boyfriends bday is 12.22 (tomorrow) we shared our first kiss on 9.22, without realizing it.. not to mention he was my 22nd kiss and i was his 2nd kiss :) I love him and we're definitely meant to be. Pretty incredible, thank you !

  30. i thought that i have to reduce all numbers to one digit..could somebody explain it to me :)?

  31. Thanks for this! I always see 22 a few times a day or more, Ive always thought it meant that im on the right track in life and to keep on pushing through because good things are coming. Im also born on 22/08/89. I feel like everything you said is true and how i feel everyday, its crazy. Thanks again, cheers!

  32. By the way the movie i just watched The gambler has so many 22's in it so i had to finally see what the number means. and i just looked at the clock and its now 1:22 am lol thanks!

  33. By the way the movie i just watched The gambler has so many 22's in it so i had to finally see what the number means. and i just looked at the clock and its now 1:22 am lol thanks!

  34. Oh my God. I have arrived! I thought I was loosing my mind. This is such a relief to know that their are others out there like me, who do exist. Thank you Lord for this revelation from my Angels!!!!

    1. Coincidentally, I found this on the 22nd!!! I had a vision of the number 4, hence 4/22!

  35. My Life path and Destiny both the number 22. Now my personal number is also 22. What it may make difference in my life?

  36. My birthday today
    Age 56=11

  37. My birthday today
    Age 56=11

    1. August 15 is the 227th day of the year. And 227 is a magic prime. :-)

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Guys I have 1 problem why I seing. 22 number everywhere. What is the main thing behind it. Plzz explain me..

  40. 22-1-1970 at 1:10 am. The Aquarius Master!

  41. The biggest irony with 22 is that it doesn't find its own destiny - a 22 must find their own key. Being a 22 is potentially hell on Earth for our generation - you are a moving target and the things you seek have become crass by most standards. I will not submit.

  42. My husband passed away on May 22nd he had $22 in his wallet we were together for 22 years . What does this mean I know its something I just don't know what it is .

  43. I have been seeing the number 22 consciously for the last 18 months or so (like many other posters I was born on the 22nd). Seeing this number is really frustrating the hell out of me because I just don't know what it means. Again like many other people I see this repeated many many times per day.

    I don't consider myself as a spiritual person and am generally very pragmatic, with most situations I would say there is a logical explanation for anything unusual and in this case I often wonder if I have a heightened awareness of this number and don't actually see it any more than any other number but just have an acute awareness of it????

    Seeing this number so much does frustrate me and if it is some kind of message from a spiritual level then I would love to know what it is.

    1. See:

      Angel Number 22


  44. Love the article. Could you refer me to your source regarding the colours, coral and cream, for 22?

  45. - more on numbers and Gematria

  46. I'm going to make this short and sweet. 22 is the key to the Universe! I'm a computer genius and I come up with a few mathematical equations. I call the most important equation "Exhausting All The Possibilities". The formula can predict future events based on past events. The formula was revealed to me years ago and I wrote it down and it takes 11 sheets of paper, front and back writing in the smallest print you possibly can and takes on an average about 4 hours to work the formula. GPS coordinates and dates are revealed and etc. Most importantly 22 is the significant. All the he other values are supported and etc by the 22. I'm not going into detail or describing any more about because of the obvious. I just will say "22" is all. If your familiar with MY formula you can inquire to me personally but I won't publish any more publicly. GCA-CGG-IAEE

    1. Hi anonymous . I am a 22 global developer. Please email your formula sound brilliant Appreciate that

  47. My dad passed away from lung cancer on 11/22 last year ... in late October,
    a few weeks before his passing, I started becoming aware of several different angel number sequences that I started seeing on a daily basis & 22 was one of them! I still see this number & other sequences non stop on a daily basis, including 222 magnified.

  48. My life path is 8, my soul urge is 22. I'm dumbstruck.... Few things manifest in my wishing and now it makes sense... If I could turn back time ...

  49. hahaha, I thought I was the only one, I lived in three different places when I was growing up, and all my houses were number 22 , my youngest brother was born on 22 , after marriage my son was born on the 22nd when my wife and I were looking for a home the home that was ideal and the one we bought was number 22, strange but true, every day at some mysterious moments when I look at the clock it's 12:22 or 15:22, I know it's a good number, until now, I thought I was the only one, we are all blessed souls of the universe, we are definitely n sync with the cosmos and the all-mighty

  50. I am so greatful to have read this today.I have always had this deep rooted feeling of destiny or life purpose to do somthing on a grand scale.I am a song writer and want to improve and inspire lives through music.When I acheive successe and wealth I will have the money to truelly start real authentic charities to those who need it.I have had vision and dreams of events before they happen unfortunately mostly death.I recored my dreams now to keep track because it happens so much.I am greatful to have read this I really need to learn to master my thoughts and emotions because everything you said about manifestation is so true especially lately its been mindblowing too many times to count on the daily.I have had a ruff tramatic life so negativity comes natuaral so its alot of effort and retraining Im currently trying to practice.If you have any advice I would really appreciate it.I need to fufill this void of purpose in my life and make all these dreams and goals a feel free to email anytime TY

  51. My name is ashley and my birthday is 11/22/84. I see so many ashley’s on here commenting about 22 and see it as the universe taking to me. Much love and light to you all. Hope you find what you are searching for.

  52. I carry the 22 energy as my soul urge and as my life path I feel very blessed slightly nervous and extremely excited for these coming times , I'm still young 21 next month but Id love a teacher not myself if anybody sees this :-)

  53. Thank you Joanne for this incredible gift.

    My destiny/life path is 33.
    My Karmic name number is 22.
    And Expression is 11.

    Where can i find these meanings: I read number 11 and 22 on your site but these specific sections were missing. Looking for:
    22 as Karmic name number
    11 as Expression/personality number

  54. What a great read
    My birthday is 22/02/88 and I've had many various numerology readings that were all different each time
    This fits perfectly


  55. How do you know if you are a Master number 22?

  56. Thanks for sharing the useful Numerology Predictions about Number 22.

    Famous Numerology Specialist

  57. Hello, my name is Ahmed. I'm from Germany. I was born on 22nd March 1995. My Surname is Ucar. 22 as my first given name and 11 as my complete name, i'm aware of the meaning. But it's also very difficult to get success. Maybe someone can help me to find my way.
    Very happy to find this page.

    1. Ahmed, it’s not about finding your way it’s about living your way, many times we can desire things that are not destined for us, ask that you’re guided to your destiny, I don’t know what your religion is but whomever you serve ask to be guided to your destiny and to live it !! I too was born on 3/22!! I dream my future then I speak it to existence!! Find your balance, read inspirational books something to enlighten your soul purpose!!

  58. I was born on 3/22/70 .. my life has been prophetic through out, I dream my future and it manifests within months of my dream!! It’s time to take another leap of faith!! I’ve seen it twice and it’s coming fast!!

  59. I was born on 3/22/70 .. my life has been prophetic through out, I dream my future and it manifests within months of my dream!! It’s time to take another leap of faith!! I’ve seen it twice and it’s coming fast!!

  60. July 9th 1977 had a dream when I was very young did I was in a spaceship looking down upon Earth in the Earth was in great peril it was the end of Aquarius and we were going to end up falling behind or losing our our way I took it upon myself to volunteer to be sent back to help Humanity I'm not sure that I'm on the right path though I am 4 4 or something close to that I feel as though I'm running out of time is there anything you can recommend to put me on my path I don't know how do second Express that I feel like I'm not please help if you can

  61. Mine goes further than seeing 22 casually. It happens to me that I stop any video for a thought and it is 22 the video, even several times it is 2:22:22, time in 22 and any other factor involved in the thought that started everything in 22. I can manage to maintain a dialogue. I am very clear that he knows me and that he knows how to manage time in a way that the conscious mind cannot fit, it is better not to think that he is, not to give allusions, because this is presented in the same way if you believe that it is God, the devil or a machine, it has no barriers to this.

  62. Mine goes further than seeing 22 casually. It happens to me that I stop any video for a thought and it is 22 the video, even several times it is 2:22:22, time in 22 and any other factor involved in the thought that started everything in 22. I can manage to maintain a dialogue. I am very clear that he knows me and that he knows how to manage time in a way that the conscious mind cannot fit, it is better not to think that he is, not to give allusions, because this is presented in the same way if you believe that it is God, the devil or a machine, it has no barriers to this.

  63. 5/22/23 I have found thy to align with me as I am in confirmation of the right path.
