


Keywords for Number 6
Domestic, responsible, care, teacher, conventional, provider, protector, healer, idealistic, selfless, honest, charitable, faithful, nurturer, truth, order, economy, emotional depth, curiosity, deep love of home and family, humanitarian, service, unselfishness, balance, good provider, peaceful, self-sacrifice, empathy, sympathy, unconditional love, circulation, agriculture, balance, grace, simplicity, ability to compromise, reliable.

Easily-stressed, superiority complex, weak, impractical, submissive, shallowness, restlessness, selfishness, weak-willed, unsupportive.

Keywords for Number 5
Freedom-loving, activity, influence, adventurer, sensualist, promoter, natural flair, vivacious, courageous, healthy, sympathetic, motivational, change, idealistic, unconventional, curiosity, magnetic, intellectual, telepathic, experience, pleasure-loving, vitality, visionary, expansion, opportunity, story-telling, imagination, individualism, healing, choice, mercy, kindness, invention, resourceful, magnetic, competitive.

Rash, irresponsible, dislikes confinement and routine, inconsistent, unreliable, thoughtless, restless, non-committal, inactivity, stagnation, fear of change, rigid in thought, lacks vitality.

Number 5 is likely to find Number 6 attractive because of their ability to stand out from the crowd.  Number 5 will be determined to get to know Number 6 better and will arrange for a future meeting.

Number 6 should be wary of having too high an expectation of a union with Number 5.  Number 5 will probably just be looking for a brief affair rather than any form of long-term commitment.  There is a strong possibility that Number 6 could be hurt by Number 5 and feel rejected if Number 5 drifts off.  Number 6 should think very carefully before becoming involved with Number 5.
Number 5 and Number 6 are not really very compatible in terms of romance.  Number 5 is unpredictable and alternative, and Number 6 is far more traditional.  Number 6 may well begin to feel out of their depth if they try to keep up with Number 5.  Number 5 is constantly on the lookout for change and excitement, which goes against the grain for Number 6, who needs harmony and stability.  Number 6 should not allow themselves them at the mercy of Number 5's whims, but should be more assertive about their own needs.  Number 6 should be aware that a relationship with Number 5 holds no guarantee of lasting and should be prepared for disappointment.

A relationship between Number 5 and Number 6 should be approached lightly by both individuals.  They should enjoy it while it lasts and not have too many expectations of each other.


Sacred Scribes

ANGEL NUMBERS - Repeating Number Sequences

Joanne on HubPages


  1. I'm number 6, husband's number 5 and we're about to file for a divorce, so I say, SPOT ON!

  2. Thank you for all this information it is very helpful :)

  3. I've been with my wife 11 years. These are guidelines, your own flaws make the porblems in a relationship. I am a capricorn and even used to date a capricorn, which is said impossible.

  4. I'm no 5 and my wife is no 6. We've been together for 26 years now. If you have mutual respect for each other and do not interfere into each other career choices and work too much then I guess you can pull through with a fair degree of success despite all the problems that come along the way. You just can't given-up so easily on each other. Long lasting relationships need to be given a few chances to survive the odd and tide over difficult times. As time only passed whether it's good or bad. Must have patience which I know Capricorn's have in plenty.
