Insight, responsibility, self-discipline, strength, compassion, spiritual consciousness, wisdom, a desire for peace and love for all of humanity.
The number 17 is a highly spiritual number and has been expressed by the Ancient Chaldeans as the 8 Pointed Star of Venus. It is the Star of Love and Peace and promises a 17 person the will to rise superior in spirit to the trials and difficulties of earlier life. Many who come under these energies have extremely high psychic and clairvoyant abilities.
The 17/8 relates to The Star tarot card and relates to 'immortality' – a legacy that lives on after you have left this plane of existence and is the ability to see beyond to find the hidden truth. It is universal healing, truth and understanding.
17s may travel often, especially in connection with their work.
17 is an extremely fortunate number, but it must be remembered that it comes down to number 8, the number of Karma and Fate, and needs to be worked with as such. The combination of the number 1 and number 7 makes the person very strong, but at the same time they are soft, sympathetic and sentimental. Number 17 vibration people receive a double dose of independence from both the number 1 and the number 7.
The negative 17 can be intense, spoilt and extremely difficult to live with. This negative person is the ‘prima donna’ who constantly looks for reassurance and praise from his/her partner and throws a tantrum if it is not forthcoming.
Number 17 people are very capable as they are hardworking, efficient and astute, combining their leadership qualities with sensitivity and compassion. They have the ability to treat those with great wealth and the very poor with equal respect and understanding.
Relationships are extremely important to these people because they can more easily find their balance in love. With their ability, one would think they would be filled with confidence, but they are not always sure of their potential. They have a highly strung, vulnerable side which they choose to only show to those closest to them.
The 17 number person is a born hero and is a great leader and their dream is to make the world a better place. 17s have a real presence when entering a room. Those born on the 17th are strong and robust and are likely to take risks in sports, school, business and life in general. They often dream of having money and power.
If they have an A, J or S first initial, they may become very wealthy.
Both men and women born on the 17th like expensive gifts. An iPod, the latest gadget, a beautiful top or something unique are ideal gifts for the 17 energy. The 17 is sometimes known to be a little vain, so a tanning salon voucher or beauty products are well appreciated. 17s usually love white, so buy them a white dinner set, white sheets or fluffy white towels.
17 energy people make excellent actors and also make for excellent politicians, property moguls and business people. 17s often become entrepreneurs.
Also see the attributes and energies of number 1, number 7 and number 8 (1+7=8)
You are welcome to share the information on this site with others, although I do request that you include this website address, credit your source/page links and author. All postings by Joanne Walmsley - Sacred Scribes may be used for personal, not-for-profit purposes only. Joanne Walmsley Sacred Scribes
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the number 4 is actually "my number." However, the number 17 always appears in my life. More frequently as I age (I'm 28). Any thoughts what this might mean? Ideas?
ReplyDeleteMs. Williams I too am continuously haunted by the number 17. I was born on the 4th of July but 17 is my number and always has been since I can remember. Recently I see it every where, in your post date, in the last youtube video I just watched minutes ago, and whatever other ridiculous ways I've forgotten. One thing is for sure though, I see it everyday and multiple times. I am a tiny bit afraid of the day I dont see it. Also the definition here on this page is chillingly accurate, and I'm not one to fall for the fortune cookie. Anyways, I'd like to talk to you further about this. my email is
DeleteWill you two please shut up about pretending to be somehow connected to this number just because it has pretty much the most amazing description of all the numbers? Quit it and just embrace YOUR number - stop trying to be something you're not.
Delete17April 24, 2014 at 8:39 AM
Deletei was born on 17 december at 17 pm , i l live in a neigbourhood called 17 and my house number is 17 at my first birthday it was 17 people , and now i was 17 years old and im scared about this number i see it everywhere contact me at
I'm born on 17 March, and I'm constantly haunted by number 4 !
DeleteMs. Williams the day you posted this 3years ago almost to the hour, the date when added up comes to a 7, the messenger number or angel. I hope 3 years later, today you at 31, added up is 4 have learned the meaning of your message 😉
DeleteI'm glad to be a real true 17
DeleteChillingly accurate description
But really impressive
Glad to be a real 17
DeleteChillingly accurate
But very impressive
DeleteEspecially pay attention to the timing of when you see the number 17. Is it when you have just had some kind of an experience? Asked a question? Made a decision? It may be a message from your spirit guide.
17 is a highly spiritual number. However, do not forget that 17 reduces to 8, the number of material wealth and status. Depending on what you seek in life, the repeating number 17 may be a spiritual reminder to be true to your number 17 path.
@Ben: Let's all remain courteous to each other. That is the true spirit of the number 17, and not the egoistic criticism of the number 8.
@ Keith: Born on 17th but constantly haunted by the number 4 may be because you are vibrating at the number 8 level, and you are being reminded to be practical :)
7/17/71 here and man oh man!
DeleteBorn 8/17
DeleteI was born August 17, 1986 on a Tuesday morning @ 4:43 am. This is so accurate.
DeleteI think we are practically twins. I was also born on 17th august 1986 at 4:43am! I’m from north east England 5”1” brunette brown eyes. Wonder if we have any other twin like features.
DeleteMs. Williams I too am continuously haunted by the number 17. I was born on the 4th of July but 17 is my number and always has been since I can remember. Recently I see it every where, in your post date, in the last youtube video I just watched minutes ago, and whatever other ridiculous ways I've forgotten. One thing is for sure though, I see it everyday and multiple times. I am a tiny bit afraid of the day I dont see it. Also the definition here on this page is chillingly accurate, and I'm not one to fall for the fortune cookie. Anyways, I'd like to talk to you further about this. my email is
ReplyDeleteThe meaning and message of the repeating numbers you speak of can be found in the INDEX on my ANGEL NUMBERS site at:
Sacred Scribes
I was born on September 17 and I see 17 everywhere but the funny thing is everything here is true about me. lol
ReplyDeletesame for me.I was born on september 17th and i really like this number even so everything wrote above is absolutely true
DeleteI too was born on September 17th and I too see the number everywhere and this explains me to the tee!!
DeleteBorn on Sept 17. Its so accurate its scary.
DeleteBorn on Sept 17. Its so accurate its scary.
DeleteDecember 17 here and yes amazingly accurate!
Deletealso born on september 17th. reading about jung's synchronicity theory brought me here. also, I've got 17 percent left on my phone battery while writing this heheh
Deletebro me too born 17 bro its so accurate.did you really faced childhood trials and difficulties as its mentioned.please let me know bro.
Deletebro i was also born on 17 oct bro it is soo accurate.did you faced difficulties and trails during childhood as it is mentioned.please can you let me know.
DeleteThere are power animals that we are born with that are meant to be with us from this lifetime to the next. There are those just for this lifetime and there are those for particular times in our lives. Numbers can be like that. Think of it as a gift. The energy of that number wants to express itself in your life in those particular ways. Also, if you are drawn to a number, you can release the energy of that number into your life by concentrating on that number, often drawing that number, and asking that number to help you. I'm choosing a wedding date and I am drawn to 17. Then the traits of that number will color my marriage. You see?
ReplyDeleteRecently I lost my niece to a heart attack in her sleep on her Birthday at the age of 49. The family is having a really rough time right now, but I had a dream and this is what I saw. 7/17/17 in gray and then it turned to 5/15/15 in red. I mentioned it to my cousin and she said the 5/15/15 equals 17 also. She had seen a dream that same night and saw my nieces husband sitting with his arm around a woman she couldn't make out who it was and he either was #17 or at table 17. Can you tell me your thoughts on this. My email is Thanks Judi
ReplyDeleteWell creasy thing, but number 17 also appears in my life very often, just it took me a waild to recognise it. but even know i dont know if it good or bad sign to see it... or maybe i havent tamed it yet. but its good to see that im not alone here ;)
ReplyDeleteIts amazing to see here that no 4 people are surrounded by no 17 people and no 17 people are surrounded by no 4 people. Most of my business clients and acquintances are either no 4 people or no 8 people
ReplyDeleteAll of you are not alone. My entire family sees 17 and 22 constantly. It brings goose bumps to all of us. This is no coincidence.
ReplyDeletei was born in 17 may 1988 so what is my path and life ? mail me
ReplyDeleteYou born on 17 that mean you come under unique number 8.
DeleteThere is nothing like life path number etc.
i was born in may also :)
Deletemy mother passed away 05/17/1975,my father on 01/17/10,a very close friend on 02/17/12 and then my boyfriend had a near death accident on 09/17/13 could u please give me some sort of insight.
ReplyDeleteI was 17 years old when I had my only child on March 17 1999... He had appendicitis and was treated on 03/17/2011 .. He will be 17 years old when he graduates in 2017.. Lately I have been thinking a lot about the number 17 being lined up for him.. Any thoughts??? My email..
ReplyDeleteNo.4 and NO.8 attract each other that is why it happens.I born on no.8 and there are lots of people appear in my life born on no.4.
ReplyDeleteBoth are unlucky numbers.So beware.
I was born on 8 /17 /97 and ive been seeing my angel number 17 over and over again too many coincidences and what im reading about it is so accurate ! Ive been having psychic abilities like clairvoyance
ReplyDeleteHallo Albert, i was born on 17/8/85 i see 17 everywere even my house number is 17..this number is in my life everyday!
DeleteI am also haunted by the number 17 and 4 AND 47 for many many many years now.... The descriptions here are pretty accurate... But I still don't know how to deal with this number or what it means! Please contact me if you've "reached a higher level" of understanding concerning this number!
ReplyDeleteI was born on the 17th and so was my wife. We got married on the 17th... I am haunted by 17eens every hour of every day. The description above is exactly me. It's amazing. What does it mean to me though?
ReplyDeleteI see this number a lot, and also the number 333
ReplyDeletefor all those talking about being haunted by a number, that it's every where in your life, I have an explanation for you. It is only showing up in your life, as you have at some point in time made yourself extra ordinarily conscious of it, and have developed sort of an energy about that number therefore. It started with your mind, and in a way you chose it. You can change this, the power is in your mind. You have the control in these scenarios, not the number. I was believing in the same way as you before, but my number was 44. Then, I started learning about some rules of laws in the universe/mind. With anything, if you make yourself a little more consciously aware about something, it will appear more and more in your life, as if in a supernatural way. I started practicing and playing around with this, and not only did I stop encountering 44 as I selected other numbers to be aware of (chosen), but these other numbers started to, as you say, haunt me. You are in control, the power is in our minds, and we need to practice control over our minds. The whole universe is in our mind, and that's beautiful, because then we have the ability to know the universe more intimately
ReplyDeleteI have complete understanding of your message.. but what can't be explained is when I walk into the kitchen and of all the times on the clock it would be 17.. or if I'm not paying attention to a movie when I do the first thing I see 17 on some one cloths.. or if I turn to a radio station in my car.. the first thing I hear is 17.. or when I happened to glance at my cell phone and the battery percentage is down to 17.. trust and believe this is not a mind thing.. I have become overly aware of the number yes... but it's only because it keeps presenting itself in my face
DeleteI only care about this number, 17, because I have valid reason to. It's my Life Path
ReplyDeleteI'm a number 17 but 13 have appeared in my life from the beginning. I never really paid it any mind, until it continued to show up by significant things that have happened in my life. I don't know why is this? Some say its bad, some good, but really Its just been on significant times in my life, and with significant people or person.
ReplyDeletei was born on 17 december at 17 pm , i l live in a neigbourhood called 17 and my house number is 17 at my first birthday it was 17 people , and now i was 17 years old and im scared about this number i see it everywhere contact me at
ReplyDeleteI was born in 17 whole life is related with this no.8.26.17.whether it is bad or good.
ReplyDeleteGreat, now I understand why I see so many 17 today. Great post! :)
ReplyDeleteBorn August 17......17/8 by blood indeed. This page has perfectly identified who are 17/8's
ReplyDeleteWas born jan13th.
ReplyDeleteLast few months the number 17 has been following me so much I've been paranoid and losing sleep. I've always felt like an angel is watching over me most of my life ("lucky" in many situations) but I had a dream I woke up at 1:07 and someone was coming to kill me. I took it to heart and have been freaked out ever since. Am I out of touch with reality? Is this 17 disguising itself for something beautiful in my life?
Hii Jordan.. I know I'm not the response you were looking for.. but 17 turns out to be a very lucky number.. it won't help you win a lottery.. but from personal experience and believe.. you have nothing to worry about.. on the 17th day is when God stop the floods.. and life begin to be repaired.. embrace the number 17 with good heart and mind..
Deletei see 17 everywhere from the date that i was starting to be committed with my boyfriend.. until now eventhough we are far away..
ReplyDeleteWas born on 17 jan ...plz help me......imp in carrer
ReplyDeleteHaha dooope! within me, i have felt connected to this number 17 due to my spiritual awakening occuring my 17th year on earth. i chose this number, built awareness around it and intentionally synchronized it! Thats my number, ya heard me! If life was a race, i'd probably get 17th place..the 1st and the 7th with connection to the 8! - Wise-Eye.
ReplyDelete17 is popping up for me, but I'm not born on the 17th and this number has never had any significance for me until now... ?
ReplyDelete17 is popping up for me, but I'm not born on the 17th and this number has never had any significance for me until now... ?
ReplyDeleteWell I was actually born before midnight on October 17, but the doctor who signed my birth certificate didn't show up until a few hours after midnight on the 18th. So its listed as being on the 18th. What is that supposed to signify. Btw i don't believe in astrology so keep it free of the stuff that is from that stuff.
DeleteI was born on November 17th.. I have always been fascinated with the number 17.. I see it everywhere.. I've been in a relationship for 2 years now.. and of course I informed to my significant other about the number.. man how I see it everywhere.. and movies on the back of jerseys.. I always catch my birthday on the clock.. that is what made me just look up the number 17.. which is very funny because if it's one thing I do believe it it would be Karma the number 8.. however I am proud of of being born on the 17th.. almost as proud as I am of being a Scorpio.. which brings me I purchased a live scorpion a few years back and believe it or not it had 17 babies.. I've always considered myself a very lucky and blessed in individual.. #17 Baby
ReplyDeleteHello all my viewers My name is Amanda Banks from USA! I am very happy for sharing this great testimonies,The best thing that has ever happened in my life is how I win the lottery euro million mega jackpot. I am a man who believe that one day I will win the lottery. finally my dreams came through when I email Dr clement. and tell him I need the lottery numbers. I have spend so much money on ticket just to make sure I win. But I never know that winning was so easy until the day I meant the spell caster online which so many people has talked about that he is very great in casting lottery spell, . so I decide to give it a try.I contacted this great Dr and he did a spell and he gave me the winning lottery numbers. But believe me when the draws were out I was among winners. I win 30,000 million Dollar. Dr. clement truly you are the best,with these great Dr you can win millions of money through lottery.I am so very happy to meet these great man now, I will be forever be grateful to you dr. Email him for your own winning lottery numbers or you can call him for your own help to win big money today via +254704881207.from Amanda Banks post (USA)thanks for reading.
Hello people,I have been affected with herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) for more than 3 years now and I have tried all my level best to get cure but non work for me I have tried so many treatment but there was No result until a friend refer me to Lady Helen who cure her brother from herpes simplex virus,At first I was scared to contact her because I have tried both medical and herbal treatment with a lot of money and nothing work.After two days I decided to contact Lady Helen and I promise to give the last try and she reply me saying that my herpes simplex virus (HSV-2) will be cured and gone for just 4 days and she ask me to pay $535 which I did and within 4 days my (HSV-2) was gone.I went for test and the doctor say I am no longer affected with (HSV-2).Please people if any of you is affected with herpes simplex virus,Then contact Lady Helen now and stop wasting your money for treatment that will never work because she is the solution to your herpes simplex virus and within 4 days you will see result her email is ( contact her now and be free from herpes simplex virus.
ReplyDeleteI am Frank from New York. I was in trouble when doctor told me that I have been diagnosed with Genital Herpes... I thought about my Family, I know my Family will face a serious problem when I'm gone, I lost hope and I wept all day, but one day I was searching the internet I found Dr. Ekpiku's contact number. I called him and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I'm cured by Dr. Ekpiku herbal medicine, I'm very thankful to Dr. Ekpiku and very happy with my hubby and family. email him on or call +2348073673757 OR whatsup him OR THESE ARE THE THINGS Dr. Ekpiku. HERPES. HIV/AIDS. CANCER.
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ReplyDeleteThe number 17 is the birthday of all my direct blood males - I am a female: my father born on 3/17/1927; my son born on 2/17/1990; my first grandson born on 6/17/2009; his brother, my second grandson born on 1/17/2014. I find this very profound and not sure what meaning this has for me - they are all my blood males.
ReplyDeleteIt's because it's a male number..
DeleteI am 04/17/1972
I am born on 17 may 1993 I face a lot of obstacles in my life why is it so
ReplyDeleteHEY GUYS I NEED SOME HELP #17 ALWAYS BOTHERS ME. I always have Bad luck Every 17th day of any month, over and over again and it drives me crazy ~ what to do?! is there any explanation for that?
ReplyDeleteI am the 7 child of 8.I was born 3-17 my granddaughter was born 3-17 her father my son was born 3-8 he had twins born 7-7-14 which my grandson of the twins is the 7th grandchild.Thought this was wild till one day I was looking up the place we're I live.It has been around since the 40's.when I look up the record on the place the number the record office gave it was 017317 that was something.I have many more like 007 that happen to be on the tires I bought.checking ends 007.what does all this mean don't know.But I end prayers with my children like this:Humble the rich to help feed the poor, and Lord help us to mend the sick.
ReplyDeleteMy birthday is 2/17/1962 I've been in to numbers for 17 years my boyfriend is 3/17/1967 .The numbers I always see are 1111,733,555 plus I'm a 28/10/1 or 19/10/1 power of three Goddess bless.
ReplyDeleteA strange darkness came out of me last night. A shrouded shadow that has plagued me decided to show itself..And all at once the 17 peices of my broken soul lit up the night with a firey Explosion. Expelling 17 Truths and 17lies.Taking 17 breaths, 17 times......
.my "mother" was giving me a healing, because my soul was literally being attacked, as i was trying to release this darkness, the huge ash tray that we had sage burning in EXPLODED in 17 pieces(I went inside my house and my mothers boyfriend proceeded to count the broken pieces). The little bit of that dark energy i had released caused that explosion.
Well I Born on 17th January 1982 Any update for me my name is Babar khan and email address is
ReplyDeleteI was born 17/08 . Since 2 years I have been consistently seeing exactly those number 1708, in that order.
ReplyDelete1+7 =8
Seeing this, kind of stunned me a Lil bit . Makes me wonder if all this is true. Know something about this? E-mail me at
I'm am also going crazy over seeing the number 17 everywhere and at random....Im now at a point where I am writing down exactly where I see these numbers at to see if there is any pattern? or clue...
ReplyDeleteOk i been coming here for years never wrote anything..when i went to post this it was 11:56(13(1+3=4)on 11/13/11 add it up you get (13\1+3=4)I'm born under the 7 so naturally all this about 17 is true for me far as spiritual & love and peace for humanity..ect..but lately in 2016 I have been seeing this same nuber i was told usually seeing the same number means a angle is trying to contact you or warn you..but as a life number 7 im my perfect compatible number is 5 which i only met one in my whole life of dating..which birthday is the 4/17 we had a child who was born in the 8th month and life number is 4 then had another child I was told she will be born on 4/17 even tho she was due may 9th but I wouldnt push till he got there..She was born 4/18 which her life number is 4 as well.Got another child birthday 9/17 address 17 evry time i look at my phone or pick it up it 17 on there..What do i do?..What's the meaning..Am I missing somthing?? I want to know lol its 12 17
ReplyDeleteI was born on the 17 April and whatever said above are accurate upto 90%
ReplyDeleteI was born on 7/17/74 the above is very accurate. I was wondering if this year being 2017 will be a good one for me? Lif has been really hard in 2015 and 2016
ReplyDeleteThis isn't about me personally, but my son was born on March 17,1997 and he recently died on July 17,2016. He died six months ago today, which is January 17,2017. I see the number 17 everywhere. I never really noticed it until my son's death. Now I notice it when I look at a clock, the mileage in my car, watching tv, and various other places. I just wonder if he is trying to tell me something, or am I just grasping at anything because I miss him so much?
I'm sorry about your son and pray that you find peace.I had a nephew, cousin, and Aunt to pass away on the 17th of those months. I use to think it was a sign of bad luck due to the death of loved ones on that date. However after the years have passed by, I feel like it is a sign to let them know they are still here in a sense. So I said all that to say, I feel like he is just letting you know he is your Angel and is looking over you.
DeleteYour email has 647=17 your attached to is following u
Deletei m born on 17sept 1977 my way is always full of difficulties.Can u tell me somthing about me.
ReplyDeleteWit and humour are the two most amazing qualities of the people born in July month. They are really friendly and modest people who are loved by the crowd.
ReplyDeletePeople Born In July
This is interesting. Wondering if anyone has done a podcast on astrology. If not they should. The podcasting industry is booming but it hasn't yet reached its peak, according to a new report from the Interactive Advertising Bureau. The number of podcast hosting sites like V-TIP.COM are growing. Most cost a nominal fee, but some like V-TIP are free.
ReplyDeleteI was born on the 17 of the 8 month
ReplyDeleteMy life path is 17/8! 17 Its worth prasing if you look at it from a Taro/pythagorean perspective but if you look at it from chaldean number perspective, 17 is something to be cautious of. Even Hans Decoz (pythagorean numrologist) metions its not that Fortunate.
ReplyDeleteLook at your iPhones calendar no. is 17, And every Movie, tv show is mentioning it! Coincidence I don’t think so. It’s a bad number, & being used against us, as a pos. code btwn who I don’t know. But, if you don’t believe me, just start listening for the no. in nearly every movie, and Tv shows! It is showing up everywhere now and I guarantee you will start to notice it now even more. Started in 2000’s ? I don’t notice it in 90’s or 80’s movies & tv shows but then I’ve only began recently in last 5 years been made aware of it as a terrible no. & I’m hearing or seeing it now continually. Just another bad sign of something that whoever is doing it (making sure it’s said or seen) is doing it on purpose, and so that means it has some secret meaning. Very irritating!!! & I know there’s something More to it. 🤔In Literally Every movie or TV show?!!! Come On!! I can’t even enjoy a freaking movie anymore! That’s too Frequent! 😡